Performance Research Volume 22 Issue 4

On the Maternal

Issue editors: Lena Šimić & Emily Underwood-Lee

ISSN: 1352-8165 (2017) 22:4

On the Maternal gathers new insights from maternal thinkers, researchers and artists. This issue addresses maternal aesthetics, ethics, politics, labour and care, as well as questions of national identity, queer mothering, reproductive rights, maternal activism, co-operation within the maternal, questions of national identity, colonialism and gender identity. Transnational in scope, with contributions covering work from Australia, Canada, China, Ireland, France, Germany, Puerto Rico, UK, USA, Russia and the former Yugoslav Republic this issue charts the multifaceted work of maternal performance as well as corresponding theoretical approaches across the fields of philosophy, psychoanalysis, maternal studies, feminist and political theory. On the Maternal offers a space for a different kind of (m)other relations where we reflect and enact our relationality with others. The issue opens up new ways of thinking, seeing and feeling the maternal in and through performance practices, exploring alliances between the maternal and (feminist) performance.


Lena Šimić, Emily Underwood-Lee

pp. 1 - 4

REF: CN1183315 [artist's pages]

Madeleine Trigg

pp. 5 - 6

YouTube Birth and the Primal Scene

Lisa Baraitser

pp. 7 - 17

The Nightdress I Wore to Give Birth In : Performative materialities and maternal intersubjectivities

Paula Chambers

pp. 18 - 27

Borne from Difference – Carriance in Co-Respond-Dance : Blind walking, carrying-caring and the matrixial

Arne Vanraes

pp. 28 - 35

Maternal Ruptures/Raptures : Leakages of the Real

Ildikó Rippel, Rosie Garton

pp. 36 - 43

‘Making up mothers’ : Georgina Starr’s channelling of the maternal

Dominic Paterson

pp. 44 - 52

Disturbing Hospitality with The Young Family

Sophie Lally

pp. 53 - 56

Have You Photographed My Uterus?

Natasha Davis

pp. 57 - 60

Not Just ‘A Life Within the Home’ : Maternal labour, art work and performance action in the Irish intimate public sphere

EL Putnam

pp. 61 - 70

Performing Queer Mamí on Social Media : Gender-fluid parenting as a practice of decolonisation

Jessica Nydia Pabón-Colón

pp. 71 - 74

Quotidian Chinese : A collaborative performance of labour and loss in the Canadian Chinese diaspora

Annie Wong

pp. 75 - 78

Care Outside the Comfort Zone : Maternal aesthetics, Katrin Nenasheva and the new politics of performance art in Russia

Angelina Lucento

pp. 79 - 88

Birthmark : Tattooing in the gallery [artist's pages]

Liberate Tate

pp. 89 - 97

No Keener Revelation [artist's pages]

Megan Marsh-McGlone

pp. 98 - 101

‘Poor Piper’ : Academic performances and maternal interruptions made public

Angela Sweigart-Gallagher

pp. 102 - 104

Maternal Environments

Ananda Breed

pp. 105 - 112

The Mother of All Wombs : Tracing the labour of maternal effacement in visual and theatrical cultures of motherhood

Bryoni Trezise

pp. 113 - 122

Care-Full Photography : ‘I am not an artist’ [artist's pages]

Rachel Cockburn

pp. 123 - 126

Lenka Clayton’s Maternal Economy : The performance of wonder and respect

pp. 127 - 130

Manifesto for Maternal Performance (Art) 2016!

Lena Šimić, Emily Underwood-Lee

pp. 127 - 130

Andrea Liss’s Feminist Art and the Maternal (review)

Lynn Deboeck

pp. 131 - 139

Notes on Contributors

pp. 141 - 142