Performance Research Volume 21 Issue 2

On Sea/At Sea

Issue editors: Richard Gough & Sam Trubridge

ISSN: 1352-8165 (2016) 21:2

On/At Sea focuses on the sea as an unbounded, unfixed territory with no recognizable performance cartographies, asking the question – how often does performance go to sea? This is both a literal and poetic question, thus inquiring about specific nautical performances ‘on the sea’, as well as the poetic state of being ‘at sea’, that is, within a fluid, unfixed, or liquid condition. Does the need for survival in this place render artistic, performative expression as something superfluous and trivial? How can a performance culture be shaped by this liquid, ever-moving terrain? Is perhaps, the sea a place where performance is suspended momentarily? We are seldom actually ON the sea and being AT sea is a giving over to the elements, casting off from attachments and moorings.

On Sea/At Sea – An Introduction

Sam Trubridge

pp. 1 - 6

Performance Waves

Sophie Sleigh-Johnson

pp. 7 - 11

Writing Coastlines : Either and both

J. R. Carpenter

pp. 12 - 16

‘A Chain of Creation, Continuation, Continuity’ : Feminist dramaturgy and the matter of the sea

Cara Berger

pp. 17 - 24

12‑A-Day : Lighthousekeeping on the Irish Sea

Róisín O'Gorman

pp. 25 - 31

Crossing the Line : A rite of passage on HMS Terrible

Sarah Penny

pp. 32 - 37

Sounds Nothing Like the Sea

Soundcamp, Maria Papadomanolaki, Dawn Scarfe, Grant Smith, Grant Smith, Max Baraitser Smith

pp. 38 - 39

‘The Vessel Will Embrace Us’ : Contemporary Pacific voyaging in Oceanic theatre

Tammy Haili‘ōpua Baker, Sharon Mazer, Diana Looser

pp. 40 - 49

Competing with the Sea : Contemporary cruise ships as omnitopias

Melanie Bennett

pp. 50 - 57

12 Hours before the Mast

Ian Maxwell

pp. 58 - 62

Liquidities : Transactive border spaces and threshold structures (between the harbour and the sea)

Tina Kinsella, Silvia Loeffler

pp. 63 - 69

Impossible is Real : Tadeusz Kantor at the seashore

Dorota Sosnowska

pp. 70 - 78

‘still every year they went’ : Studio performance at sea

Reeder & Lamb

pp. 79 - 80

You Do (Not) Assist the Storm : A vibrant and affective seascape for The Tempest at Minack, Cornwall

Evelyn O'Malley

pp. 81 - 84

Writing the Indian Ocean : Immersion in seven waves

Stephen Muecke

pp. 85 - 89

Sea-change : Performing a fluid continent (artists’ pages)

Margaret Werry, Dorita Hannah, Ani O'Neill, Amanda Yates, Amanda Yates

pp. 90 - 95

Concurrent Practices

Sam Trubridge, Mick Douglas

pp. 96 - 107

Fluid Philosophy : Rethinking the human condition in terms of the sea

Keren Chiaroni

pp. 108 - 116

[E]ven my body now lets the light through.

Misha Penton

pp. 117 - 117

Oceanic Geographies : The fluid dramaturgy of Caridad Svich

Kevin Brown

pp. 118 - 124

The Disappearing Act : Geometries of free-diving

Sara Malou Strandvad, Tracy C. Davis

pp. 125 - 137

Swimming in Sewage : Political performances in the Mediterranean

Tania El Khoury

pp. 138 - 140

Mare Nostrum, or On Water Matters

Emma Cox, Marilena Zaroulia

pp. 141 - 149

SOUND((ING))S : An on-board poetry installation in support of refugees

Amy Evans

pp. 150 - 152

Fearful Stories from the Breathless Ocean : Alanna Mitchel's Sea Sick (review)

Katrina Dunn

pp. 153 - 155

In the Wake of It Comes in Waves (review)

Sasha Kovacs

pp. 155 - 159

Notes on Contributors

pp. 160 - 162